We are pleased to announce the winners for best videos at Princeton Research Day 2021.
In keeping with the interdisciplinary spirit of this campus-wide event, PRD judges evaluate presenters primarily on how effectively they communicate their research to a non-specialist audience. Judges include undergraduate and graduate alumni, faculty, staff and members of the community.
Outstanding Undergraduate Presenter Award
Awarded to undergraduate presenters who receive the highest scores among all undergraduates. Awardees will be featured during the live, virtual ceremony, and will have the opportunity to discuss their research with a moderator.
Rachel Myers, Class of 2022, Psychology
A Fresh Look at Fresh Memes
Joanne Wha-Eum Lee, Class of 2021, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Direct and Indirect Mortality Impacts of COVID-19 in the U.S.
Molly Bremer, Class of 2022, English
Niara Hightower, Class of 2022, African American Studies
DISEMBODIED: Dancing in the Datascape
Lauren McGrath, Class of 2021, Anthropology
A Side Unseen: Why Structural Violence Demands Visualization
Outstanding Presenter Award
Awarded to the researchers who receive the highest scores amongst graduate, postdoctoral or other early-career presenters. Awardees will be featured during the live, virtual ceremony, and will have the opportunity to discuss their research with a moderator.
Shannon Hoffman, Graduate Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Too Cool for (Fossil) Fuel: Producing Biofuels with a New Method
Yidian Liu and Nathaniel Banks, Graduate Students, Architecture
Plastic Plastic
Orange & Black Undergraduate Presenter Award
Awarded to undergraduate presenters who receive the second-highest scores among all undergraduates. Presenters who win this award will have their presentation featured on the PRD website and the presenter names will be announced during the live event.
Mark Dodici, Class of 2022, Astrophysical Sciences
How to Pollute a Star in Just 2 Million Years
Satya K Nayagam, Class of 2022, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Nanoparticle Delivery of Delamanid for Cost-effective Treatment of Tuberculosis
André Luiz Koch Liston, Class of 2023, Chemistry
Instability of Iridium (III) Photocatalysts: A Computational Approach
Shiina Yuri, Class of 2021, School of Public and International Affairs
Elite Education for Female Students in Japan
Orange & Black Presenter Award
Awarded to graduate, postdoctoral or other early-career presenters who receive the second-highest scores. Presenters who win this award will have their presentation featured on the PRD website and the presenter names will be announced during the live event.
Ryan Manzuk, Graduate Student, Geosciences
Earth's first reefs and the beginnings of animal life
DJ Rasmussen, Postgraduate Research Associate, School of Public and International Affairs
The largest movable structures on Earth could save New York City from another Hurricane Sandy, but will they get built?
Graduate Student Impact Award
Recognizes the graduate student who clearly communicates the positive impact the research has on enriching or improving our culture, community or society. The presenter who wins this award will have their presentation featured on the PRD website and the presenter name will be announced during the live event.
Therese C. Kichuk, MP/PHD Student, Molecular Biology
Portrait of a Powerhouse: Live-Cell Imaging to Monitor Mitochondrial Behavior
FitzRandolph Gate Award
A symbol of the University's openness to the worldwide community, the FitzRandolph Gate Award represents the presentation that is considered the “fan favorite” by the Princeton community.
Kennedy Miller, Class of 2021, Neuroscience
An Investigation of the Female-Specific Behavioral Deficits Present in Autism
Temitope Oshinowo, Class of 2021, Neuroscience
Apples to Apples: Using a Patch Foraging Computer Task to Examine Cognitive Effort Costs, Physical Effort Costs, and Motivation in Real Life